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"Expedition-TV" to launch in February 2006 as Internet-telechannel

12.12.2005 19:00

In a round-the-clock mode, news, films and transmissions about various projects of "Expedition" will be transmitted.

For the period of Race, February 23 - March 8 2006, there will be maximum volume of content, with news reports at fixed times of the day, diaries of the Race showing progress of the teams and interviews with participants.

Besides Trophy race coverage, the channel will also broadcast news and documentary programmes about other adventure projects.

In connection with opening the Internet-telechannel, “Expedition” is selecting journalist to work in mobile TV-groups for the period of the Race — from February, 23rd till March, 8th 2006.

The selection will be made on a competitive basis. The contact address: rpm@e-xpedition.ru.



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