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Expedition is about those who live in the spirit that "The road is big enough for all". It is the story about an active way of life, about miracles which occur continually, about boundless opportunities which open beyond each turn.

The value of Expedition lies in its authenticity: in the people, in adventures, meetings and acquaintances, in memories and impressions which cannot be bought, and it is possible to get only through living life as it happens.

"Expedition-Trophy" is an annual international event in which any adventurer, irrespective of age and citizenship can take part. It is a Race for those who know leadership, and that a team can operate as friends. "Expedition-Trophy" will present to everyone who will participate, a taste of real life and the freedom to be oneself!

From the time of the first automobile expeditions at the beginning of the last century, history does not remember such adventures when the team spirit and desire to pass from point to point of the landscape, removing all conceivable horizons, were the main sources of victory. "Expedition-Trophy" is an uncompromising struggle. Every day Expedition will present problems, which can only be overcome by the most prepared and inspired teams.

Participants will face snowdrifts of Urals Mountains, the Siberian frosts, the ice of Baikal and ice-hummocks of the Far East rivers over a sixteen thousand kilometers route over Russia, from the Kola Peninsula. However the difficulties of Russian winter — is not the most severe test for the crews which will start in Murmansk. Any of them that completes the course, becomes a winner in this adventure. Any advantage in a stage, any professional experience in the motor racing, will not outweigh the team spirit in achieving a result.

A victory over a stage of the race is only a rallying call to the struggle, again putting participants leaving at the start of the next stage on equal footing.



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Часы "Экспедиция-Трофи"

Уникальные наручные часы с браслетом из нержавеющей стали, специально выпущенные для участников и организаторов трансконтинентальной Гонки "Экспедиция-Трофи 2005".

8000 руб

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